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A better online experience for you and your customers.

Shift Connect provides a market-leading online experience. Submitting and checking the status of applications will be faster and easier than ever before.

Features you'll enjoy

8 click application

We’ve streamlined the application process to save you time. With our new tools and features, you no longer have to deal with lengthy forms to fill.

ABN Lookup function

Seamlessly integrated with the Australian Business Register (ABR) and Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to significantly reduce manual input.

Real-time updates

Stay up-to-date with all your business finance requests in real time.

Frequently asked questions

How will I access Shift Connect?

Login to Shift Connect here. You'll only require your mobile number to login.

I have loan writers and admin staff who need access to Shift Connect, how do they login?

They should follow the same path for a broker and login here.

What do the different application statuses mean in Shift Connect?

Pre-assessment: Our support team has received the application and are reviewing it to ensure we have everything we need to commence assessment. If our support team hasn’t received all the required information they will reach out to you promptly.

In-credit: our credit team is assessing your application.

Approved: your application has been approved.

Settlement: final review of the application is being undertaken by our settlements team to ensure all conditions have been met and can proceed to settlement.

Funding: application has been submitted for funding.

Settled: your application has been settled.

Rejected: your application has been declined.

Declined by client: your application has been withdrawn by the client.

How do I search for a business and input their details in Shift Connect?

Go to the ‘Applications’ tab, to the ‘Business details’ section. You can search for the business based on:

  1. ABN
  2. Entity Name
  3. Trading Name

An eligibility check will take place to verify that Shift can lend to the chosen business. If you experience any issues locating the business or need assistance, please call our broker support team on 1300 972 654.

Where do I check interest rate and ongoing service payments for each product?
Go to the ‘Applications’ tab, to the ‘Application details’ section. Once the minimum facility amount of $10,000 is registered, the interest rate (APR) and available upfront commissions applicable to the facility will be displayed. The portal does not display ongoing service payments, please refer to the attached product guide for ongoing service payments applied to each facility.
I’m unable to view the details of a director, or make any changes to the application – how do I proceed?

If you’re unable to see director details, this is most likely because the client has an existing relationship with Shift through a previous broker. If you wish to view or make any changes to this application, please call our broker support team on 1300 972 654.

I’ve submitted a new application and all the steps in the ‘Invitation’ checklist are already ticked green – how do I proceed?

This is because the customer already has a relationship with Shift through a previous broker. We have all the information we need to progress your application and will be in touch soon.

How do I know when my client has connected their statements?

Go to the ‘Applications’ tab, to the ‘Invitation’ section. There are 3 items in the Checklist:

  1. Send invite – this will be ticked once you have sent the SMS invitation for the customer to connect their bank statements.
  2. Verify identity – this will be ticked once the customer has clicked on the SMS invitation and logged in with their mobile number.
  3. Connect accounts – this will be ticked once the customer has connected their bank statements.
Each of these items will be automatically checked once that step has been completed by you and the customer.
How do I submit a 'Spot and Refer' application through Shift Connect?
Go to the ‘Dashboard’ tab, and then to the ‘Refer a customer’ section on the right-hand side of the screen. Click on ‘Refer now’ and you’ll be asked to input the customer’s name and mobile number. Once this step is completed one of our Business Lending Specialists will reach out to the client to start the application process.

I love how Shift Connect is extremely easy to use thanks to its simple layout. I’m particularly impressed with how fast it is to submit an application. It’s also a great experience for existing clients, as lodging a new application is a much smoother process.
– Chris Maamoun, Business Development Manager at Amfin.


We’re constantly working on ways to improve the online experience we deliver to you and your clients.
More streamlined
Even faster and easier for you to submit and manage applications.
Better insights
Enabling you to have more powerful conversations with your clients.
More information
Your one-stop-shop with the information and tools you’ll need to service your clients.
Level 21, 177 Pacific Hwy
North Sydney, NSW 2060

Privacy Policy. Terms and conditions. Please consider the information before you decide whether the product is appropriate for your business. Standard credit assessment, fees, terms and conditions apply. The products and service offered are available in Australia from Shift Financial Pty Ltd. ABN 24 149 390 625, (“Shift”).