FAQ – Shift Equipment customers

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Shift Equipment – Q&As your customers

How does it work?

Register your details online in minutes. A Shift Relationship Manager will contact you to finalise your account setup and set your limit. You can use your Equipment Line for as many equipment or fitout purchases as you need, with any supplier, up to your account limit.

What can I buy?

All types of new or used commercial equipment, including technology, commercial kitchen or cleaning equipment, building equipment, and retail, office or industrial fit outs or refurbishments.

How do you set my account limit?

Account limits range from $5,000 to $1 million. Your account limit is set based on the size or turnover of your business, which our platform can quickly assess based on the information you link online. Each transaction on your account needs to be at least $2,000 or $25,000 for fitout purchases. 

What do I need to open an account?

Shift can assess any business with a valid Australian Business Number with a minimum of 2 year trading history. You will also need to provide your mobile number, Australian driver’s licence or passport and connect your business bank account.

How soon can I access my Equipment Line?

Limits under $250,000 can be approved within hours, with no paperwork. Once you sign your Facility Agreement, you can upload your invoice to Shift Online and your supplier will be paid the next business day.

What does the Equipment Line cost?

You’ll pay a 16.95% fixed annual percentage rate, with no annual fees and no establishment fees. Pay out your credit line, or make extra repayments whenever you want. 

How long do I have to repay?

You have up to 5 years for each transaction you make on your account.

How do I make repayments?

Monthly repayments will be automatically debited from your linked business bank account.
